Nursery and Reception Intake - Hackbridge Primary School

Our school provision in 2024/2025...

On our ‘Hackbridge Corner’ site:

  • 15-hour Nursery classes (26 children in the morning class from 8.30am-11.30am and 26 children in the afternoon class from 12.30pm-3.30pm)
  • 30-hour Nursery class (for those with an extended entitlement eligibility code) (26 children 9am-3pm)
  • Four forms of entry (120 pupils - a maximum of 30 children in a class) in Reception, Year 1, Year 2 & Year 5
  • Three forms of entry (90 pupils - a maximum of 30 children in a class) in Year 6 (Year 6 will not be four forms of entry until our expansion is complete in September 2025)

On our ‘London Road’ site:

  • Four forms of entry (120 pupils - a maximum of 30 children in a class) in Year 3 & 4

Use of our school sites:

All nursery classes are on the Hackbridge Corner site.

All pupils starting the school in Reception are educated on the Hackbridge Corner site. They remain educated on the Hackbridge Corner site until the end of their year in Year 2.

For their Years 3 & 4, all classes in the the year group move to the London Road site.

For Years 5 & 6, the year groups return to the Hackbridge Corner site.


All parents are reminded that, as a four-form entry school across split sites, pupils will move between sites during the course of their primary education with us, as outlined above.

We teach the children that they are part of a four-form, split site school and they are made familiar with the two school sites through visits and whole school assemblies throughout each year.

The Headteacher advises parents in the summer term each year if a year group cohort is being mixed into new class groupings. Such decisions are always made with the best interests of the whole cohort in mind.

The start and finish times of the school day are staggered across the two sites to allow for walking distance between sites for parents who are collecting from both sites.

Breakfast Club starts 75 minutes earlier than the start of the school day on each site - this is 7.30am at Hackbridge Corner and 7.45am at London Road. PLEASE NOTE that the Breakfast Club on the London Road site will never open earlier than 7.45am when pupils transfer from Hackbridge Corner to the London Road as start times have already been adjusted 15 minutes on each site to accomodate parents dropping off to two sites and distances to local train stations.


Starting Reception in September 2024


For children with offers of a place to start Reception with us in September 2024, intake packs are being sent out on 6th June 2024:

  • For children in any of the nursery classes in the federation, these will be given to you by their nursery teacher/team.
  • For children with any older siblings at Hackbridge Primary School, these will be sent home via their older sibling.
  • All other intake packs will either be hand delivered or posted out by Royal Mail on 6th June 2024.


  • An email in w/b 17th June 2024 which will tell you the time of the Stay & Play session on 3rd July which your child has been invited to.
  • An email in w/b 17th June 2024 which will tell you the date of the intake meeting that you and your child are invited to (all intake meetings are scheduled for 3.45pm-5pm).


1:1 ‘Meet the Teacher’ Meetings – 3rd to 6th September 2024

At the beginning of September 2024, we are offering every child and their parent(s) to come to an individual ‘Meet the Teacher’ meeting at the school. This will be your opportunity to talk to your child’s new teacher about your child. Meetings will be a maximum of 30 minutes in length.

The 1:1 meetings will take place between Tuesday 3rd September and Friday 6th September 2024.

In July 2024, we will email you with details of how to book your 1:1 meeting via our online booking system.

All children starting in Reception in the autumn can book one of these sessions, even if they have already attended one of our nursery classes.


Arrangements for Reception children starting school in September 2024 are as follows:

Half day sessions on Monday 9th September 2024 and Tuesday 10th September 2024:

  • Children with surnames starting with A-L will attend school from 9.00am – 11.30am
  • Children with surnames starting with M-Z will attend school from 12.30pm – 3.00pm

This is to allow the children to settle in smaller groups initially.

Wednesday 11th September 2024 -all Reception children to attend from 8.45am-11.30am on this day.

Thursday 12th September 2024 – all Reception children to attend from 8.45am – 1.00pm (all children staying for a school dinner on this day).

Friday 13th September 2024 – all Reception children start full-time from today (8.45am – 3.15pm).

If you gain a confirmed place with either of these services, the school's Breakfast Club can take Reception children from Wednesday 11th September 2024 and the Jancett After School Club can take Reception children from Friday 13th September 2024. You need to apply for places at these directly with each service separately – places are limited and spaces cannot be guaranteed.



Starting Nursery for 2024/2025

Offers of places to start in our nursery classes in September 2024 have already been made by email.

IF there are any remaining vacant nursery places later in the year, then we will contact the parents of children on the waiting lists for the January or April intakes closer to those times.


For children with offers of a place to start Nursery with us in September 2024, intake packs will be sent out on 7th June 2024:

  • For children with any older siblings at Hackbridge Primary School, these will be sent home via their older sibling.
  • All other intake packs will either be hand delivered or posted out by Royal Mail on 7th June 2024.


  • An email in w/b 17th June 2024 which will tell you the time of the Stay & Play session on 3rd July which your child has been invited to.


1:1 ‘Meet the Teacher’ Meetings – 3rd to 6th September 2024

At the beginning of September 2024, we are offering every child and their parent(s) to come to an individual ‘Meet the Teacher’ meeting at the school. This will be your opportunity to talk to your child’s new teacher about your child. Meetings will be a maximum of 30 minutes in length.

The 1:1 meetings will take place between Tuesday 3rd September and Friday 6th September 2024.

In July 2024, we will email you with details of how to book your 1:1 meeting via our online booking system.

All children starting in Nursery in the autumn can book one of these sessions.


Arrangements for new Nursery children starting in September 2024 are as follows:

After the intake meetings in July, your child's teacher will advise you of their individual start date in September.

Nursery classes will take new starters in over a two week staggered period beginning on Monday 9th September 2024 and with all children having started by Friday 20th  September 2024.



Starting School - School Readiness

The Sutton School Nursing team can be contacted by parents/carers who wish to discuss any concerns which they may have regarding their child's health, such as issues with eating/behaviour/bed-wetting. Their telephone number is 020 8770 5409 during office hours (9am - 5pm) Monday to Friday.

The School Nursing Service have made a short video which you can see here.